Speech on Time Management

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Thank you miss/madam chairperson. Good morning I bid to the honourable judges, loyal timekeepers, respected teachers and friends. “Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.” I believe some of you have heard this, the famous Thomas Jefferson quote. Without further ado, let me introduce the topic of my speech today, The Importance Of Time Management. First things first, according to the oxford advanced dictionary,the 8th edition. Time means what is measured in minutes, hours or days. The word management is defined as the act of running and controlling a business or organization. In general, time management is the way in which you organize how you spend your time. Ladies and gentlemen, There are a lot of reasons to mention here why we need time management. My first point is to spend or budget our time well. Let’s look at this in more detail! We know that Time waits for no one and we are all given the same amount. Each of us has only 24 hours a day and no one else can live our lives for us. Whether we Use It Or Lose It. Many of us always complain that we do not have enough time every day. Some of us even hope that our time could be more than 24 hours. Is that possible? Well, you know the answer, right? Next, students are one of the busiest people on earth. Attending classes, completing assignments and studying for exams are the things that make us feel exhausted and stressful. Aside from that, there are family commitments and social events we need to attend to. This is where time management skills should come into practice. BUT HOW? We should allocate time for every activity we wish to carry out, even our time to rest, watch television or to spend time with our friends and so forth. This is an important factor in keeping us organized and avoiding procrastination, which ultimately leads to academic success. nother reason why we
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