Spectrum Brand Essay

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1. Given the business situation for Spectrum Brand p. 251, explain how the firm might organize using a Matrix structure for the organization. Spectrum Brands Corporation, after several years of producing and marketing only batteries has diversified by adding pet products, personal grooming items, and lawn and garden care products. To organize the Spectrum Brand, using a matrix structure would involve setting up teams in different departments where lines of authority may intersect. The matrix structure groups employees by both function and product departmentalization. Using a Matrix structure, Spectrum Brands Corporation would organize the company by setting up project teams from different departments in order to take advantage of the strengths and specialized skills of those individuals from the different department. Spectrum Brands produces four product lines, therefore, creating a matrix structure may require employees from the each products division that are a project manager from the batteries department, a project manager from pet product department, a project manager from the personal grooming department, and a project manager form the lawn and garden department. Also, there will be more traditional, function-based department such as finance, marketing, and production. The project managers would primarily be responsible for the project. Functional managers would provide technical expertise and assign resources as needed. Each of the product groups would intersect with each of the functional groups. This organizational structure would be beneficial in time, when corporation creating a new project. 2. Explain how the firm could operate using a Multidivisional structure. The multidivisional structure of organizational structure organizes departments into larger groups called divisions. These divisions could be focused on either a product,

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