Special Populations Essay

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There are several types of special populations, the case manager works with. This article is about some of the special population I have researched and the specific target group I’ll choose. I will talk about why I choose this population and how my inquisitiveness was formed. The role is also that I insist on this field, my weaknesses and strengths, and how I use my strengths to overcome my limitations. I will discuss a variety of topics, and how they are topical. The final topic is to discuss the role, the resources available to people that I chose. After doing research online I found a variety of special populations, a case manager works with. Case managers working with adults and children who were beaten or abandoned. Case managers also work with adults and children with physical and mental disabilities. There are a deal of case managers who work with families and low-income individuals. Case managers work with people who have drug abuse. The listing can go on all the special population that a case manager works with. The job of a case manager is as unique as the population that they serve. Case management is a combined procedure of evaluation, preparation, simplification and encouragement for choices and services to assemble a person’s wellbeing desires through contact and also obtainable resources to endorse value cost-effective outcomes. Case managers are advocates for those who cannot help themselves and assist in referrals to those who need additional services for treatment. One of the populations that a case manager may serve would be high risk mothers who have possible deficits in education, psychosocial, nutritional, have slight to no means of transportation and or were low revenue women who found themselves with a child. There is a very high child death and morbidity to those who don’t have the resources or ways of affording to take care of an
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