Spartan Women Essay

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Spartan Women According to feminist Simon de Beauvoir author of The Second Sex “More than any other Greek women, Spartans have been subject of praise or blame from antiquity to present.” . The women of Sparta have a vital role within Sparta society as they were responsible for producing healthy babies as well as partaking in the running of the economy. They differ greatly from their Greek counterparts in that not only do they have an education which enables them to participate on Spartan society but they can own land and partake in sports and ceremonies. Unlike their other Greek counterparts Spartan women received a thorough education and harsh upbringing so they could play a greater role in Spartan society. Spartans were they only Greek society that prescribed a public education for girls. Their education started at age six or seven when they went to live in their sisterhood barracks where they would learn gymnastics, wrestling and combat skills. It is not known whether their training was as rugged and ruthless as the boys but it still would have quite strenuous as it was vital that the girls were to become healthy. At the age of eighteen Spartan women received a skills and fitness test which would access if they were fit to marry. (Crystalinks) According to Xenophon their education was based around the theory of Eugenics which is the idea of bringing about improvement in the type of offspring produced. Xenophon also tells the goal of Spartan marriage and education was eugenic and it was through this education “that he Lycurgus made his country preeminently prosperous”. Spartan women were not educated at school but learned to read and write at home. When compared to women from other states most notably Athens, Spartan women appear to have a much stronger education. Women in other states received only domestic education with the exception of the Hetaera who
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