Spanish Gypsies Essay

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Spanish Gypsies Have you ever wondered about the Gypsy culture? Like what is their history, what is their culture and they adapt into society? Well the Gypsies, more specifically the Spanish Gypsies, refer to and ethnic group called the Rom due to their language which was Romany. Today they are about 450,000 gypsies in Spain which have been accepted into society and are part of the Spanish culture. But the situation was not always like that. Before the Gypsies were discriminated by the Spanish government and people causing them to live in misery. All of these events formed what is now the Gypsies history in Spain. The Gypsies migrated out of India to Europe in the XI century and mainly settled in Zaragoza the capital of Aragon. In 1492 when the Spanish were persecuting the Jews, Moors and ethnic groups other than Catholics out of the Iberian Peninsula the Gypsies were persecuted as well. For about 300 years the Gypsies had to fallow rules given by the Spanish government who was trying to take them out of Spain. Some of these rules include no marriage between two gypsies, they could not speak their own language, they could not perform any rituals and they could not travel in groups larger than two. The Spanish officials were very particular of the breach of any of these rules, especially general Franco who persecuted Gypsies all over Spain. In 1539 Charles V ordered that any Gypsy that was found in Spain should serve six years of forced labor with the purpose of maintaining the Spanish blood from “polluting”. The Gypsies were given 60 days to leave the country and if they had not left by then they would receive 100 whip slaps be expelled from Spain, but if they were seen again they would be forced into slavery. In some places in Spain Gypsies could live if they did not violate any rules but if they did and they were older than 14 years they would be sent to the
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