Some Wonders of Modern Science

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Science has brought revolution in the present world. There is nothing under the sun which has no sign of man's labor and science on it. Now the whole world has shrunk into a big village because of science. Science has touched the every fiber of society. The present is an age of science. It is of the people by the people and for the people. Now adays in all civilized parts of the world people live and move and even think in terms of science and its gifts to mankind. It has rendered possible a safe flight in the air safety in finer transmission of news of various kinds from one corner of the world to another in no time and so on and so forth. The advantaged derived from these and other glorious achievements of science such as swift locomotion, gramophone, telephone, television, cinema, medicines, X-ray, etc. are so intimately linked with our modern life that it is simple next to impossibility to conceive of modern civilization and cultural progress something apart from science. The world of the means of communication has been simply revolutionized by the invention of wireless. It has ensured safety of ships at sea. Radio is a source of great recreation for all. It keeps many people in touch. Now let us move to another great discovery that is electricity. This great discovery which has defined time and space and has added greatly to the joy and comfort to life is electricity. Electric machines have largely supplanted hand labor and are producing better necessaries of life in great abundance at a much lower cost of production. Science has not only added to our physical comforts but is also no less responsible for our mental and intellectual development and dissemination of knowledge is mainly due to the improved ways of printing. There is no doubt to say that all what is happening today is because of science. There is one problem and question. Is science all for human
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