Some Languages Are Harder Than Others

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Intro Indo-Euro Languages Language is a very intricate and important part of life that most take for granted of how easy language is to us. Language that we know and speak is generally easy because of how and when we learned our primary language. I have always heard how difficult it is to learn English as a language and I couldn’t agree less. For me English is extremely easy because it is what I was raised around and didn’t need to learn it in a classroom setting. English is a difficult language to be learned in a classroom since there are so many confusing attributes such as their, there, and they are and which and witch and many more. Still to this day I often mess up my theirs/there’s and always mix up my affects and effects. Although English is easy to me I still have difficulties and I couldn’t imagine learning it as my second language. Languages such Russian in the Slavic family is very difficult for me to understand for many reasons but one that annoys me is how hard it is to understand the tongue of the language. I have Russian neighbors and I worked with them for a few years and when they speak I can’t even make out what they are saying. It is very hard for me to hear differences in words and even harder to catch repeated words. In comparison to two languages I can hear languages such as German or Spanish and pull a few words from the conversation but with Russian it sounds like one long word that a drunken guy is mumbling with a mouthful of food. I don’t even know where to start in understanding Russian. The difficulty changes to another level when the script changes. The Russian alphabet blows me away even though we share similar letters. Chinese and Japanese make my head fall off. I took a Japanese class in high school for two weeks and I couldn’t survive the speech let alone the reading and writing. The real languages that I have so much

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