Solutions Essay

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Chapter 8: Applied Problem 2 Problem 2. At a management luncheon, two managers were overheard arguing about the following statement: “A manager should never hire another worker if the new person causes diminishing returns”. Is this statement correct? If so, why? If not, explain why not. Answer. The manager quoted in the passage above is incorrect. If the new worker causes diminishing returns, it means that she produces less than the worker hired before her. Let’s say that a restaurant hires workers at the rate of $80 per day. A chef, on average, can prepare 60 meals per day. If you can sell each meal for $10 and the other costs, (without calculating what the company pays for the chefs),are $5 per meal. Let’s say you hire an additional chef and she can prepare only 50 meals per day, that still increases the company’s profits by $170 ( (10-5)*50-80). The marginal contribution is diminishing, however the marginal product is still positive. If the marginal contribution is diminishing it does not necessarily mean a company is not making money for that additional employee, but if the marginal product becomes negative it means for certain that the company will lose money if they hire an additional employee. The manager should still hire the employee even though the additional employee causes diminishing return. Chapter 9: Applied Problems 2 and 4 Problem 2. The Largo Publishing House uses 400 printers and 200 printing presses to produce books. A printer’s wage rate is $20, and the price of a printing press is $5,000. The last printer added 20 books to total output, while the last printing press added 1,000 books to total output. Is the publishing house making the optimal input choice? Why or why not? If not, how should the manager of Largo Publishing House adjust input usage? First, let’s find the marginal rate of production. For printers: 20/$20=1 book

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