What Soil Is The Most Pollutant

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What soil type absorbs the most pollution? Ashley Dermody Jacy Johns 3rd period 10/31/08 What soil type absorbs the most pollutants? That is the question we are trying to solve for our experiment Soil contamination is the invasive presence of man-made chemicals or other alteration in the natural soil’s environment. The independent variables will be the different soil types, while the dependent variable is how much pollutant is absorbed into the different soils. The constants will be the amount of soil used and the amount of bleach that will be used to pollute the soil and the time the bleach and the soils will be in contact. Soil pollution is a well known issue in the world today. By completing this project, it can help our ecosystem so that more people can be aware of how to prevent this issue. Soil is part of our daily lives with everything we use, whether we know it or not. When we walk into a building soil holds it up. Vegetables and fruits we eat get nutrients through the soil that the plant gains through its roots. Animals eat the plants for nutrients and then give us nutrients when we eat them. Soil pollution does not leave enough oxygen in the soil, causes acidy soils that may burn plants, and then bugs will go and start an infestation in the soil. It also effects plants growth; the soil pollution eats away at the nutrients and becomes causes more soil pollution. Then, there is not enough drainage, new soil diseases develop, and therefore not enough moisture in the soil. Disposing of acids, pesticides, chemicals, radioactive waste, sewage sludge and other types of hazardous waste on lands has become the cause of one of the most dangerous pollution problems in the world. Most of this hazardous waste is sent to landfill sites or burned in incinerators, which create toxic runoff and air
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