Sociology Through Criminology

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Sociology's emphasis in criminology uses complex sociological theories in order to analyze, explain and overall prevent criminal behavior within societies social structure, laws, processes, and actions. When it comes to the study of behavior there are a few theories that set out to understand the scientific study of law breaking we refer to as criminology. Serious attempts are made to define and describe the causes of criminal activity which has a core objective of analyzing crime as a social phenomenon . My first paper of this semester will contain and discuss how basic sociological theories such as functionalism, conflict and symbolic interactionism impact the sociological institution of criminology and the process of making laws, breaking laws, and reacting to the breaking of these laws. In addition to these theories there are as many as 10 other theories includig an array of approaches to the understanding of criminology through classical and strain theory as well as biological, psychological, feminist and labeling perspectives to name a few. Sociologists seek to explain the cause and effect of criminal activity and law-violation within society. As a result sociologists have made lot of sociological propositions and collected a lot of research evidence about criminality to form conclusions pertaining t specific theories they seek to explain. Criminology draws heavily upon a range of disciplines and perspectives including sociology, history, and geography. Social policy and politics should also be indentified due to the inter-related and multi-faceted nature of society diversity. It therefore constitutes an exceptional grounding in ideas, arguments and knowledge, in the context of disciplined and focused enquiry into crime, punishment, victims and justice. This is why it's so easy for me to identify with the critical perspective of criminology. This
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