'Sociology Is Not, Cannot Be and Should Not Ba a Science'. to What Extent Do Sociological Arguments and Evidence Support This View?

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“Sociology is not, cannot be and should not be a science”. To what extent do sociological arguments and evidence support his view? There has been a constant debate that sociology is or is not a science. Positivists believe that sociology should be studied in an objective and no bias way gathering quantitative data. On the other hand, interpretivists study sociology by putting themselves in the shoes of whom they are studying as this created verstehern. Interpretivists collect qualitative data as part of their studies. The sociologists Comte started the argument by explaining that sociology should use the same approach to research as the natural sciences. Comte went on to explain how data should be collected through the inductive method which is where you examine data and then create a theory. The main argument starts with Durkheim who explains that sociology can be a science. Durkheim uses the example of suicide and how we can study such a personal and individual act in an objective manner using statistics. From his studies of suicides Durkheim found that there were patterns in the suicide rate which meant that the act wasn’t a product of the individuals motives but instead a social fact. The suicide therefore had to be a result of wider social forces which we have no control over. Durkheim went on to explain that the social facts responsible for determining the suicide rate were the levels of integration and regulation an individual has in a society. If the individual had too little or too much of regulation or integration they were more likely to commit suicide. For example, rates for Protestants were higher than for Catholics as the Protestants had a little integration in their religion. Alternatively, interpretivists argue that sociology can’t be a science using the counted debate for suicide. They believe that suicide can’t be studied scientifically and

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