Sociology - Functionalism

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Functionalism is a micro theory which deals with different individual and small group theories. It is also a consensus. It looks at society as a whole and the different norms and values which make it the society what it is and it also looks at where the norms and values are shared and where they differ. In this essay, I am going to cover 3 different functionalism theories; Emile Durkheim, Parsons and Davis and Moore. These three functionalists argue in their own way that education is the base for each child to build their future and be successful. Emile Durkheim is a French sociologist who was the founder of functionalist sociology; he identified two main functions of education; creating social solidarity and teacher specialist skills. He believed that education was what transmitted society’s norms and values. He believed that history teachings create a link between the individual and society which leads to social solidarity which is where people have differences but they come together with the shared norms and values. He compared schools to a mini society where people come together and interact with others and follow a set of rules which prepare them for the future and becoming a successful adult. For example; in both school and work, people have to follow certain rules and also have to get on with people who may not be friends or family. They have to interact with people to get on well which can prepare them for future references. The main point in Durkheim’s theory is the Value Consensus; this tells us that every society has the same norms and values. Durkheim’s theory has a certain strength which can also be seen as criticism, he makes out that there are no negatives about being in a mini society and that all people behave the same whereas the criticism could be that not everyone is the same because some people don’t abide the rules properly because they are
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