Socialisation Essay

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Socialisation Socialisation is a process, whereby, a new born baby who knows nothing of society grows and learns about the norms and values of their culture, they learn to do things in socially acceptable ways, they gain a coherent sense of self and their own identity in relation to society and they contribute to the overall function of the social system. This process only ends when they die as they are constantly learning and changing in relation to society. “Socialization is the process by which children and adults learn from others. We begin learning from others during the early days of life; and most people continue their social learning all through life” This essay will be looking at Primary and Secondary socialisation, The dual dynamic of the process of socialisation, gender socialisation and the development of the Identity. Primary Socialisation is the first form of socialisation and takes place in the early years of life. It is the parents and care-givers as well as siblings and other people in constant close contact with the child from their early years that affect their Primary socialisation. During Primary socialisation children form relationships with their family, they learn how to speak a language, and they learn the values and the norms of their culture as well as basic social rules and how to interact with society. “Novices across the life span are socialised into using language and socialised through language into local theories and preferences for acting, feeling and knowing, in socially recognized and organized practices associated with membership in a social group.” (Kramsch, 2002 pg.106) Secondary socialisation is the second form of socialisation, this happens in the later years of childhood and in adolescence, this has much less focus on the family and a larger focus on
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