Social Stratification Essay

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Social stratification is found in all societies of America. Stratification is often based on a person’s socioeconomic status and describes the way in which different groups of people are placed within society. Think about it as someone’s education, occupation and income. It is a term sociologists apply to the ranking of individuals and groups; it represents structured inequality in the portion of rewards, privileges and resources. Patterns of Social Stratification have been passed down to many generations. It is based on open or closed systems; it all depends on the availability of social mobility the movement of individuals or groups from one level in a stratification system to another. Sociologists such as Weber, study stratification by focusing on the interplay of three main components which are wealth, prestige, and power as being necessary in determining a person’s class position. Weber placed people who have a similar level of wealth the value of all of a person’s or family’s economic assets, including income, personal property, and income producing property and income in the same class. Prestige is the respect or regard with which a person or status position is regarded by others, and others who share similar levels of social prestige belong to the same status group regardless of their level of wealth. Power is the ability of people or groups to carry out their own goals despite opposition from others. It gives some people the ability to share society in accordance with their own interests and to direct the actions of others. Wealth, prestige and power are separate continuums on which people can be ranked from high to low; individuals may be high on one dimension while being low on another. There’s the “Upper Class” which are the wealthiest and most powerful class. The “Upper-Middle Class” which is based on a combination of the three factors: university
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