Social Security Should Be Saved

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Social Security and why it should be Saved Social security was one of many anti-poverty programs that were created to lessen the impact of the great depression. The severe economic slump during the 1930’s caused wide spread poverty and unemployment. It was under President Franklin D Roosevelt that many of these programs came into existence. At first the impact of social security was limited only to retired workers of age 65 or older. These Americans were eligible to receive benefits and workers from middle to high income were excluded .With many changes over years Social Security laws have broaden the elibitlty for many of these Americans . Social security now provides benefits to people of all income levels; also disabled workers are…show more content…
House and Senate republicans today still support Bush’s plan as viable and John Baynor is quoted on CNN saying” That privatization should have happen years ago “ in Voting 223 for and 181 against, the House sent the Senate a bill (HR 5) to repeal the Independent Payment Advisory Board established by the 2010 health law to use expert advice from outside of government to slow the growth of Medicare costs Starting in 2015, this panel will have power to restrain any annual spending increases for Medicare that exceed official per-capita projections tied to factors such as inflation and the gross domestic product. Congress cannot reduce the sum of the panel's proposed cuts but can change individual parts after clearing high parliamentary hurdles. President Obama has not yet named any of the 15 panel members, who will serve full time and need Senate confirmation for their six-year terms. House and Senate leaders of both parties will recommend 12 of the 15 nominees and the president will select the others. The bill also limits medical…show more content…
They want to provide vouchers instead of benefits. They want to shift costs to the beneficiaries. They want to put Medicare into a death spiral and leave insurance companies in charge of seniors’ care. Then it would be the insurance companies that could then ration care. There are efforts being made around the country to address these issues.(Build A wall 2006)...” In Colorado a group is is attempted to complete an initiative to form a 'healthcare cooperative' In that all Colorado residents will have availibity to healthcare. This work is being formed around legislation introduced by State Senator Irene Aguilar and is being formed on the idea that the Affordable Care Act remains fully intact (Fiscial Responsibility and Reform
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