Social Justices avercame by Jackie Robinson

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Outline Thesis: Jackie Robinson never knew what an impact he would make, but through his history, achievements, and his struggle to overcome social injustice, he became both an icon and a legend. A. Introduction 1. Discuss social injustice 2. Talk about social injustice in African Americans. 3. Thesis statement B. Career 1. Growing up 2. College 3. Professional baseball C. Achievements 1. Sports achievements 2. Social achievements D. Struggle with Social Injustice 1. How he was mistreated 2. How he reacted to unfairness 3. Became an icon E. Conclusion 1. How he overcame everything to become what he is now. The Social Injustices Jackie Robinson Overcame Social injustice is a concept that is awful to all who know it. It is the unfair treatment of a person or people because of a social status. That social status can be anything from race, gender, ethnicity, age, or wealth. It still happens in the world today, and has a very wide history. Their has been many different social injustices recorded since society has began, but the most prominent injustice in America is the mistreatment of African Americans. African Americans have been part of social injustice since they were first brought to America as slaves. There has been many advancements in African American injustices, but it took a lot of effort and perseverance. One area that has made these advancements is in the world of sports. One of the most influential men in the fight for social justice is Jackie Robinson. Jackie Robinson never knew what an impact he would make, but through his history, his achievements both on and off the baseball field, and his struggle to overcome social injustice he became both an icon and a legend. Jackie Robinson was bon Jack Roosevelt Robinson in
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