Social Conflicts in "The Color Purple"

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The Conflicts in Social and Economic Positions In Western culture and all around the world, respect for human rights and respect has been an issue in the class system. It was not until October 18th, 1929 in Canada that women were even considered “persons” regardless if you were a woman of the upper class or lower class. Socialist views are a mix of realism and idealism which is present throughout the American 1930s society portrayed the novel The Color Purple by Alice Walker. Women are labourers and nannies who work for the white people and the men whom are of higher status than them. Socialism and communism are also present within the novel which leads to the social separation of males and females, similar to the division of classes viewing society from an economical perspective. Looking at our society in the past we can see that our society was primarily ran by males. Males were the only ones able to be a part of politics, vote and even be considered people in general. Women were just seen as members of society who were needed to make it run efficiently. Marxism sees the Proletariats and the Bourgeoisie as conflicting positions. The women have their ways around the harsh treatment they receive and do things such as send their daughters to school, which is considered rebelling against the men, creating conflict between the sexes. In the novel The Color Purple, it is evident that Alice Walker was influenced by the Marxist criticism, the women represent Proletariats and the men represent Bourgeoisie in their 1930’s American Society. Although society has come to much better in regards to respect for men and women, prejudice behaviours still exist causing counter productivity in our society. Communism is an ever present behaviour and a way of life that the men and women of the 1930’s lived by in America. Throughout the novel we can compare the lives within the
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