Social Biases Essay

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Social Biases PSYCH/555 November 14, 2011 Deirdre Teaford PH.D Abstract Social bias can be defined as a “prejudicial attitudes toward particular groups, races, sexes, or religions, including the conscious or unconscious expression of these attitudes in writing and speaking” (Social Bias, 2011). The term bias would normally be described as a way of thinking or viewing something. In order to be bias, it would identify a individual’s attitude or behavior would be influenced by prejudice. Social biases can become a problem with in our society due to what a person thinks they are better than another person. When it comes to groups, social influences have generated some common biases. Social biases can be very damaging and can hinder interaction between people. (Fiske, 2010). As you read on, this paper will define the concept of prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination. Next, this paper will explain the difference between subtle and biatant bias. Next, this paper will describe the impact of bias on the lives of individuals. Last, this paper will evaluate at least one strategy that can be used to overcome social biases. The concept of stereotyping can be defined as “a generalization about a person or group of persons” (Grobam, 2011). Stereotypes can be negative or positive depending on beliefs about the characteristics of a group of different groups of people attribute the set of characteristics. We develop stereotypes whenever we are not willing to obtain any information when we need to make a better decision when it comes to people and their situations. We can classify stereotypes as large or small groups that are based on similar characteristics or attributes. Stereotypes have the ability to distort a person’s perspective. When a stereotype becomes active, the characteristics associated with the group, negative or positive, easily can be recalled.
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