Question 20 on the 2011 pass paper, critical essay. The movie 8mile explores in great detail countless emotions from beginning to end. The movie is based around a young rapper called Jimmy B-Rabbit Smith, who is stuck a rut and is struggling to make a success of his life. He has been brought up with racial abuse and is surrounded my violence and drugs everyday of his life. He lives with his mum and her boyfriend in a trailer park due to his dead end job.
A tall pale white male with pure brown hair and a beard also to Gary had had pure blue crystal eyes like his mother and brother. When Gary was only 13 when he witnessed his mother shooting herself and it was then the madness began for his life. When Gary was sent to the orphanage he lived with more than 13 foster parents but none of them wanted to keep him because everyone knows the story of what his older brother did to his family. Gary wasn’t touched or hurt by his step father only Michael was ending with Michael becoming the monster he is today. Soon Gary found of his brothers escape Gary slowly found an old feeling he once felt before and knew that his brother was killing
King himself writes, “I am thankful, however, that some of our white brothers in the South have grasped the meaning of this social revolution and committed themselves to it. They are still too few in quantity, but they are big in quality. Some – such as Ralph McGill, Lillian Smith, Harry Golden, James McBride Dabbs, Ann Braden and Sarah Patton Boyle – have written about our struggle in eloquent and prophetic terms” (King12) King argues that even though the majority of the white people treat black people as an inferior race, there are some white individuals that have noted such immoral treatment and have joined black campaigns against segregation. The reader sees how even white people have joined the black people's nonviolent campaigns to fight for their rights, even though they are brutally abused by the white authorities and called 'dirty nigger lovers' (King12). King's actions were criticized and described as inappropriate, and seen as the product of an extremist by eight clergymen from Alabama.
Although this is a different type of racism as before, it is still an example of racism. While talking about how Obama helped his friend, an African American, in a situation, this author says he is a racist “because he, like his friend Gates, automatically assumed the white police officer acted stupidly" (1). This is racist because Obama, rather than considering that his African American friend does wrong, automatically assumes that the white police officer has does wrong. Also, even racist picture cameras exist today. The blink feature has been standardized for Americans’ eyes, not Asians’.
This news story makes me realize a question: what determines blacks’ bad academic performance, like D'Souza says in the end of racism? D’Souza argues that cultural background is an unignorable factor, such as the hard working spirit imposed by Asian family. However, there is another approach to explain the question. If blacks can share the same opportunities
Written in 2006 by a Lehman graduate, Angel Dillemuth, this play has to do with Cain, a younger brother to Andrew who drew Cain into using drugs just because Andrew’s girlfriend, Marissa uses drugs. Well Cain got hooked to drugs and rehabilitation couldn’t stop him from going back to his old habits. Until he finally tried living reality and leaves off his imagination-- that he’ll never be a better person without drugs, Cain insists that he and his big brother will stay in the hood for the rest of their lives. The stage production made by Chaunice Chapman is a great reflection of a lower class family renting a one bedroom apartment during the new millennium, which transmits the lives of two brothers: the younger one is a drug addict and
In Sonny's Blues by James Baldwin,Sonny's brother discovers that he has been arrested for possession of drugs.He reminisces on their past as children and can only imagine how his students could probably be doing the same things Sonny was. Sonny's brother has never accepted Sonny's way of life.He believed that the right way of life was to get an education and a good career.Sonny lived his life on drugs and with the dream of being a musician.Sonny and his brother were complete opposites which was a problem for their relationship.When his daughter dies,he finally decides to get in communication with Sonny. Music is a very important theme in Sonny's blues. Sonny's brother always had a difficult time understanding why Sonny would want to grow up
Explanations of Gangs Lacey Lewis January 10, 2014 In the past, delinquency research mostly focused on family life and poverty. Some focused on the biological circumstances. There are similarities and differences in terms of challenges for different ethnic groups. There are three different movies that encounter issues by young minorities. The movie, A Better Life, where a father tries to make a better life for him and his son in America, but ends up getting deported.
Having a dad as a lawyer is hard enough, but when Atticus, the kids dad, is assigned to defend a black man, it exposes them to a world they didn’t know existed. When people have been exposed to racial tensions, they lose their innocence. Innocence lost, prejudicsm, and standing up for what you believe in are all main key points to the main topic of racial tensions. Although during these day and ages, kids innocence is normally lost during the “tween” year, it was not normal in the ‘30s for kids to lose innocence around the ages of 13-18.
Source based essay The Civil Rights Movement “Martin Luther King Jr. Played a significant role in trying to establish a just equal society for all Americans” The statement made is inaccurate, because even though he fought to make some significant changes in terms of the inequality of black people, no lasting or major change was caused within the USA (source E displays this nicely as it shows how blacks have suffered in terms of the economic inequality due to black peoples poverty, shows political inequality as 13 percent of black people don’t have a vote and social inequalities due to such facts as the number of black people in jail. These are all things that the NAACP and Martin Luther King Jr. fought for, but no significant change was achieved or made) Black people were treated as inferior and unequal, and although MLK tried to change this, he lacked the ability to do so. Black people were treated as unequal to whites or as “they claimed to set” them “free by calling you a second-class citizen”(Source C). The political and legislative law made blacks follow segregation laws(Jim Crow laws) and in essence did not give them equal human rights to those of whites.