Soap Market in China

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China is the largest developing country in the world, every industry is growing rapidly. In China, where the population reached 1.3 billion, 23.68 units soap are consumed a year per person. the average price of soap costs about 0.42 euro in china. Therefore in China, the potential market for soap is 12.93 billion euros. The market growth rate is 20% and it is still developing giving it a ton of potential for players in the industry. Chinese domestic soap brands Diao Pai(雕牌), Liby(立白), Keon(奇强) and Lonkey(浪奇) Diao Pai (雕牌) is a Zhejiang (浙江) company which operates under the Nice (纳爱斯) Group. In its more than 50 years of development, Diao Pai established numerous strategic partnerships with several top 500 enterprises. Liby (立白) was founded in Guangzhou (广州) in 1994. Its operates in the sectors of cleanser essence, laundry detergent, toothpaste, paper products and so on. Keon (奇强) was founded in Nanfeng (南风), Guizhou(贵州) province in April, 1996. This company targets people in the countryside as their client base. Currently the company owns 5 branches and 19 different brands. Lonkey (浪奇) was founded in 1959 and built up its brand image to create a brand reputation as an established player in the industry. International soap brands in China: Safeguard (舒肤佳), Hazeline (夏士莲) and Lux (力士) Safeguard is an antibacterial soap brand Procter & Gamble Company and is sold in the United States, Mexico and Escudo, Ukraine, Latvia, Canada, Egypt, China and Pakistan and the Philippines. Their 1980s “The Smallest Soap in the House” ad campaign was their most memorable. In its ads, people complained about how their Safeguard bars getting smaller and smaller due to excessive use. The ending of each commercial featured a brand-new Safeguard bar in soap suds that, using stop-motion animation, shrunk down just before the voice-over said “The smallest soap in the house”. Soap vs.

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