So Will My Page Be Colored That I Write?

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So Will My Page be Colored That I Write? Langston Hughes' "Theme for English B," is based on an assignment given to him by his English instructor at his college. In his paper he asks the question “so will my page be colored that I write?” This question presents the argument of whether or not a person’s race makes them like different things. In my opinion, a person’s race does not make a difference. Hughes explains this by letting us get a preview of how he perceives life or what he believes to be true about life. In his assignment he list three sets of things he likes. The first set is “well, I like to eat, sleep, drink, and be in love”. Every human has to live with certain basic necessities and eating, drinking, and sleeping are some of them. He goes on to say he's what he feels, sees, and hears. Like some many others in New York, he categorizes himself with Harlem, where he lives. He says that he and his English instructor are connected because they both are in the same area and they both have to hear and listen to each other. He goes on to describe what he appreciates in life. He then gets to a hot topic of that time which was race. He describes everyday things he enjoys and goes on to say that he likes everything a white person would like too, even though he is colored. The poem has been building up to this racial distinction and he is finally able to come out and say that he likes the same thing white people do. Hughes made a statement that no matter what race we are, we all are a part of each other. He brought this issue to the public not by accusing anyone and not in the form of anger, but by asking questions. He asked questions that made the public think, he said what he believed to be true, and he let the person who read the paper with a chance to think about what he had written without feeling attacked. He states that at times whites do not want
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