Smoking in Hong Kong

794 Words4 Pages
SNPG939 Psychoactive Substance use and Mental Health (HK) Assessment 1: Group poster and summary writing Introduction to Health Behaviour Change Group members: Lai Kit Ying Phoebe (4802962), Yan On Hung (4786762), Chui U (4530585), Ang Oi Ming (4802937) Word count: 500 Cigarette smoking is a serious healthcare threat both in Hong Kong and the world. Therefore, concerted efforts need to be taken to address this cancerous problem. Among the alternatives available, positive behaviour change among the citizens can prove to be the only long lasting solution to this problem. This report used the transtheoretical model to explain the stages of change of cigarette smokers and show how the model assisted the people with smoking in Hong Kong. The Transtheoretical model is one of the recognized theories that can be implemented in influencing behaviour change among smokers. It let us understand how the cigarette smokers quit (DiClemente et al., 1991; Prochaska & Velcer, 1997). The stages included pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance and relapse. It proposed the process that smokers move through six stages of readiness to quit smoking. According to Diehr (2011), persons will progress these stages at difference rates, often moving back and forth several times before attaining the goal of maintenance. There are a number of benefits that can be achieved from health behaviour change in Hong Kong and for the individual. The Wanless reports pointed out that in the future the level of public engagement of health was high, the use of public health service were optimize to maintain health (Wanless 2004). It could reduce the costs for public health service, disease preventive service like vaccination, and also the pressure on healthcare system. For individual, smokers are advantageous in reducing the risks of smoking related

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