Slum Tourism Essay

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A: Slum tourism 1 Summary: The blog article “Do “Slum tours” profit off the poor?” by Lori Robertson published on the BBC Travel website questions the ethics about whether or not “slum tourism” is an advantage for the local slum community, or if it is just the “rich” people exploiting them. Several different tour operators speak about the advantages in this form of tourism, such as slum tourists getting a better understanding on how living in the slum actually is and for them to confront some stereotypes. Tour operators also give back to the communities whom they visit – i.e. some give money to children’s education centres, others give money to children’s projects etc. Even though most op the people in the blog article primarily speak about the positive aspects about “slum tourism”, professor Harold Goodwin still believes that one should choose wisely upon whom choose to travel with(,) and how. Ingen indvendinger – flot arbejde. 2 Outlines: Kennedy Odede is a student at Wesleyan University, USA, and the executive director of Shining Hope for Communities, which is a non-profit organization whose main purpose is to fight poverty and gender inequality. In the article “Slumdog Tourism” published on The New York Times website in 2010, Kennedy Odede is concluding that even though slum tourism has its advocates because of it promoting social awareness and the fact that it good money – it is just not worth it. He says: “Slum tourism turns poverty into entertainment” (text 2, line 20-21). Mr Odede also states that though many foreigners come in good faith and with even better intentions, just wanting to get a better understanding of poverty, slum tourism is not the solution to the problem. People may come with all of the right intentions, but slum tourism is like a one-way street – the tourists get pictures while the ones living there lose their dignity. In
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