Slo ( Students Learning Outcome)

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STUDENTS LEARNING OUTCOME Rock Valley College have been and will continue to help student graduate or continue their education with the best knowledge of the student learning outcome also knowing as SLO. The six SLO are Communicate effectively, Integrate technology into all fields of knowledge and expression, Demonstrate competency in critical thinking, Respect and work effectively with persons of diverse backgrounds and abilities, Demonstrate the behaviors of ethical and socially responsible citizens, and last one is Demonstrate personal wellness. In the real world SLO is very important; u might not need to learn all of them, but at least most, RVC knows that’s important for the real world, career and life we as student choose. Upon completion of the RVC, we as students should be able to recognize and understand SLO and master it. What is SLO? What every new student ask when they hear about! Not knowing it’s very important for the career path we choose, and also real world. SLO demonstrate the extent to which student performance meets expectations or learning. Learning these six student outcome will guarantee you success in life and school if perform them correctly; its important to Integrate technology into all fields of knowledge and expression, Demonstrate competency in critical thinking, Respect and work effectively with persons of diverse backgrounds and abilities, Demonstrate the behaviors of ethical and socially responsible citizens, and last one is Demonstrate personal wellness. Learning the SLO will usually will make learning more effective and helpful. Critical thinking is very interesting topic to talk about or discuss, ironically it require critical thinking. The better your critical thinking is; the better you will notice an issues and investigate before acting upon it, it’s better to observer and

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