Sleepy Hollow Essay

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“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” is set in Tarry Town, a small village on the Hudson River during the late 18th century. Based on an old German folktale about a Headless Horseman, the folks of Tarry Town tell their own tales about a headless Hessian soldier that haunts the nearby glen of Sleepy Hollow. This is the same for many “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” movies. Irving’s story has been a building block for films for a long time and it is a real treat for television and cinema. Tim Burton’s “Sleepy Hollow” was one of these movies. It had many similarities to the story, but is far different in comparison. Many similarities are seen throughout the movie. The setting and most of the characters are essentially the same. The tree where Major Andre was killed, the Van Tassels party, and where Brom Bones dressed as the Headless Horseman and chased Ichabod Crane are in both the story and the movie. There are other examples like these, but the many differences seem to make the movie into its own story. Ichabod Crane was two different characters. In the story, he was a school teacher from Connecticut. He was greedy and naïve, tall and lanky. He loved helping out housewives around town so they would feed him while he told ghost stories. He was infatuated with Katrina Van Tassel and her families’ wealth. However, in the movie, Ichabod was a constable from New York City. He was ordered to go to Sleepy Hollow and investigate several heinous murders. His focus was catching the Headless Horseman after he learned from the townspeople that the Horseman was responsible. After a suspenseful fight, he sends the Horseman back to Hell. Finally, Ichabod returns to New York City with the case solved and Katrina by his side. Both versions of Ichabod Crane are unique and he captures the audience with either personality. Some differences showed up immediately. In the story,
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