Slave Life Unmasked

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Emmanuel Bagumira Nathan Jessen Term Paper 03/06/2012 Slave Life unmasked Even though some slaves managed to have stable relationships, Slave life was a struggle because uncertainty made stable lives hard to pursue and most relationships were destined to fail because slavery was brutal and inhumane. Slave life was one plagued by shifting loyalties, prayers for a bright future; if not for one-self at least for those who survived like children and grandchildren, struggle for survival. Day in day out, the slaves faced brutality by their masters, hunger accompanied by unbearable demands of labor on the plantations. Imagine, if you will, waking up earlier than the sun, eating a mere “snack”- lacking essential nutritional value or not getting any at all , and trekking miles to toil in the unforgiving environment on the plantations with less than ideal conditions, and laboring until the sun once again slips under the horizon. Clad only in the rags your master provided. I will use information found in a number of narratives; the narratives of Charlie Aarons, Davis Louisa, Jennie Kendricks, Robinson Augustus, Barber Rosa, to explain slave life and living conditions on slave plantations. The life of a slave on the plantations or in their masters’ households, was very uncertain and a difficult struggle. Uncertainty in the lives of these slaves hindered many of their plans from happening. Starting stable families and relationships was tough and almost impossible due to fear of what the uncertain future held for them; this however, does not mean that there were no cases of successful slave relationships. The slaves could be easily traded at random times without information or consultation by their masters. This rendered them vulnerable to sudden surprises of separation. Often times these slaves were subjected to not only the abusiveness of the back breaking
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