Skills Of Verbal Communicatio

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Verbal Communication Verbal communication are the most common form of communication and also quickest. It can also be the friendliest form as you are in direct contact with the person/persons you are communicating with, (face to face/one to one/group discussions). The use of speech is a very effective tool in communicating, are there are two types we can use: Informal: General conversations with friends and people we know well, chatting to people. Formal: At work, talking on the telephone or in person to a customer, and during interviews. Within the building and construction trade, the types of verbal communication that I am likely to use are: • Informal conversation- chatting to work colleagues • Formal conversations- when communicating with customers or suppliers • Receiving instructions • Using the telephone • Taking part in meetings • Oral presentations The skills of Verbal communication Giving and receiving information is a task I do all the time whether at work or outside of work, therefore meaning we all require good communication skills. Some people have good communication skills, others not so. Communication is a two way process of giving and receiving information. A good communicator is a good speaker, good listener, good reader and writer. However it is appreciated that not everyone has these skills, some people may be good speakers, but fails to listen to instructions; some may be good readers, but poor speakers. An all round good communicator, should have the following skills: To be a good speaker: • Speak clearly • Vary the pitch and tone of the voice to stop people from falling asleep. • Pronounce words correctly • Not speak to quietly, but not shout either. • Make use of humour when speaking To be a good listener: • Concentrate on what is being said • Ask questions if they do not understand what
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