Essay On Super Villains In The Hands Of An Angry Superhero

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Super Villains in the Hands of an Angry Superhero All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. For one day you wake up and realized that the world can be conquered. “I’m going to put a mask on and scar by name across the face of the world, build cities of gold, come back and stomp on this place flat, until everything is dust. So you can shut up. All of you. I’m going to move the world. (Soon I Will be Invincible)” That is how far the world is from becoming a villain. Just one bad day. Their evil, even at its most realistic, retains a touch of the unreal that puts them even below the lowest level of scum. Do not board the vehicle down the constant path of injustice. This path will lead to unhealthy confrontations with your shadow self, unleashing the vilest parts of yourself. Is a life where the only truth identifiable is chaos truly desirable to you? Is a life being a vacuum, extracting happiness, morals, and ecstasy from everywhere you look truly desirable to you?…show more content…
People who dwell on their deficits may envy and resent others who have more than they do. Some people who are unable to overcome social shortcoming fantasize about obtaining any means, good or bad, to satisfy every need and greed. Prevention of these instances is essential to living in a life filled with satisfaction and peace, away from evil. Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers or skills they are graced with. For the Villain with a smiling cheek says he is strong but he is truly week. His life filled with sin and gloom, constantly planning his next sinister ordeal. With his power he could have amazed and inspired, but yet he chose to cause harm. S men are not looking for anything logical like money. They cannot be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world

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