Single Sex Schools

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For years, educators have searched for better and more effective ways of teaching students. Their efforts have resulted in significant improvements such as the specialisation of lessons according to the specific needs of different students. However, one negative impact of all their efforts was creating co-ed schools. Co-ed schools are simply not as beneficial to students as single sex schools. Every student should have the opportunity to enrol in a single sex school. This is due to the fact that by grouping students according to gender provides a better learning environment. A learning environment that has advantages such as less distractions, a tailored curriculum and the loss of gender based stereotypes. All of these advantages are inevitably able to provide single sex schools with a larger benefit to students then co-ed schools do. The most imperative reason as to why single sex schools are more beneficial, is the fact that there are fewer distractions. In most co-ed schools, students face the major distraction of trying to impress the opposite gender. This not only effects their own academic results, but also the way that the teachers have to teach. For example, it can be often seen that students do not participate in class discussions as much in co-ed schools. This is because of the fact that they do not want to be seen as a fool in front of the opposite sex. Given this reason teachers in co-ed schools sometimes beg their students to contribute to class discussion. This is hardly seen in single sex schools. Due to the fact that there is one less distraction to deal with. As a result, students in single-sex schools are often more willing to take risks because they do not fear falling on their face in front of the other sex. The classrooms in these schools are often dynamic, free, and bursting with ideas and conversation. So much so that an Australian study of
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