Single Parent Homes

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Ashley Brown Mrs. Driggers Eng. 111-02 14 September 2010 Illustration Essay The Positive Effects of Single Parent Homes There are many differing opinions pertaining to children who have been raised in single parent households opposed to those who have been raised in a two parent home. Although many children grow up with only one parent, they are not deprived of love, stability and success. Children who grow up in a single parent home are not deprived of love. They get most of their love from family members. Children who only have one parent sometimes turn to family members for the love that they are missing from the household. They may also look to the neighborhood for love. A lot of children look to neighbors when love is absent from the household. Teachers can also be a source of love to the children they are around. Although teachers don’t know all of what goes on in a household, they always find some way to show love to all of the children around them. That’s why children go to teachers for love because they aren’t judgmental towards the children. When growing up in a single parent home children look for stability from family, friends and church. For instance, a single parent home can be more stable than a two parent home. The stability of a home is determined by the make-up of a home not by the people, or the lack there of. Friends are a good source of stability because children seem to see them as an outlet to convey their feelings. Church is a form of stability because a strong faith or belief seems to be something they can hold on to, and pull strength from. Even though there is only one parent in the household the children can still go to college, graduate and become successful in their course of study. Parents can help children be successful by giving love, support and being available to help them with problems whether it is with

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