Significance of the Second Gulf War on the Near and the Middle East

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Analyse the significance of the second gulf war for the near and middle east The second gulf war, also known as the Iraq war, was a conflict opposing the leader of Iraq Sadam Hussein and a multilateral coalition led by USA. The war had various consequences concerning the Near and Middle East, notably the overthrown of the Baath party regime or the foundation of a new republic. What does it all mean for the Near and Middle East? In what did affect the actual situation of this region? Let me say that the second gulf war had solved many problems linked to the Saddam Hussein’s regime yet it has also exacerbated some tensions in the Middle East. Considering the regime of Saddam Hussein and what he has done, the second gulf war had a positive effect. The regime of terror established by Sadam Hussein was finally over and at the same time the slaughters he had caused (e.g : bombing or using chemicals against Kurdish minority, Shia minority ). Politically speaking, the second gulf war was seen has being necessary because of the growing sentiment that more democratic forms of government were needed. In this way, the establishment of a republic inside this region was seen as a relief and a sign of hope for fairer regime and even more freedom. What’s more concerning Iran, the fall of the Sadam Hussein regime, that is to say the Baath regime was seen as a chance to have more influence on the Middle East. Indeed the party at the head of Iran was the Shia took advantage of the fall of Sadam Hussein and tried to impose their influence over Iraq, but also over the Middle-East. First, Iran has become an actor whose influence increases day by day in this region after Iraq’s occupation by the USA. This new regional role is particularly seen in the relations of Iran-Iraq : Iran, wishing to increase the economic and commercial relations with Iraq to maximum level, is now

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