Significance of Studying Evolution

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Introduction Understanding evolution is an important study of biology because the features of all organisms, including humans are best understood in the light of evolution. Furthermore, evolutionary changes are taking place all around us, some of which have powerful implications for human welfare. The theory of evolution is one of the pillars of modern science. On it rests modern biology, medicine and other sciences. ( Reproduction with variation is a major characteristic of life. The earliest single-celled organisms reproduce by duplicating their genetic material and then dividing into two. The two resulting daughter cells were identical to each other and to the parent cell except for mutations that occurred during the process of gene duplication. Such errors, provided the raw material for biological evolution. Biological evolution is a change over time in genetic composition of a population of organisms. Many such changes rapidly enough to be studied directly and manipulated experimentally. Plant and animal breeding by agriculturist and responses of organism to environment shifts over decades provide good example of such short term evolution. Other changes such as appearance of new species and evolutionary lineage, usually take place over longer time frames. The fossil record is the primary source of direct evidence of those changes. ( This study only deals with the information of human evolution, it’s theories and evidences that the scientist retrieved to prove their claim. Any featured revolution of other kind of animals or plants is discussed to make the subject clear. Any documentation identifying the stages of “man evolution” has to assume that man evolved rather than having been created. We believe that evidence has failed to support the evolution from ape to man or any other type of macroevolution.

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