Significance Of Corridos

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Significance "Through the stories of the corrido-crafters themselves, Wald uncovers a world desperate for heroes. At once tragic and hopeful, the result of his journey holds a mirror up to life on both sides of the border."--Louie Perez, of Los Lobos ("Narcocorrido, book on corridos, Mexican drug ballads”) Corridos are narrative songs from Mexico detailing important historical events and life experiences. Although traditional corridos surged after the Mexican Independence War and during the Mexican-American Revolution, its resurgence in the late 19th century was do in part to German immigrants who settled in northern Mexican regions (Meave, Anya. "What Are Corridos?”). Today the corrido has once again become one of the most popular forms of Mexican regional music. There are many groups that perform corrido, but the most notable of these are Los Tigres del Norte who have played a major role in the composition and popularity of today’s contemporary corridor ("Corrido - Overview of Mexico's Narrative Corrido"). El Valiente: Chalino Sánchez traces the life and legend of the toughest corridista of them all, who has become the dominant influence on the young West Coast singers. Chalino was a supreme badass, who shot to international fame after a show in Southern California during which a guy tried to assasinate him and he returned fire from the stage. Shortly thereafter, he was gunned down in Sinaloa, but his immitators are still heard from Mazatlán to Los Angeles. This chapter includes a visit to Pepe Cabrera, a Sinaloan corridista who has been one of the great behind-the scenes influences in the field ("Narcocorrido, book on corridos, Mexican drug ballads”) The term corrido comes from the Spanish word correr--to run--and refers to the fact that the words of each of the stanzas of four eight-syllable lines characteristic of this genre are sung through

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