Sigmund Freud on Personality Theories and the Influence Today

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Sigmund Freud on Personality Theories and the Influence Today Abstract I chose this topic because of my interest in personality theories, introduced by Sigmund Freud. I was eager to explore the theories and methods that help determine a person’s personality. I will explain Sigmund Freud’s basic concepts of personality theories and how upbringing, genetics, and culture can influence one’s personality. Sigmund Freud was one of the most famous psychologists who helped make the conscious mind versus unconscious mind note worthy. The conscious mind represents the events in which you are aware of during points of time in a day. These conscious events can include thoughts, feelings, daydreams, and memories. In contrast the unconscious mind, are the events that we may have trouble remembering or are unable to remember. These unconscious events can include such things as repressed memories, instincts, and what gives us drive. According to Freud, the unconscious mind is greatly larger than the conscious mind. It contains three aspects that include the biological, social unconscious, and personal unconscious. The biological unconscious, Freud’s id, is considered the aspects of ourselves that make us human such as instinct and temperament. The id represents our pleasure principle in which we place a demand on immediate needs. Second the social unconscious, Freud’s superego, which can broken down into two aspects: conscience and ego ideal. The conscience deals with the internalization of punishments and warnings. The superego can be considered as such things as our culture and native language. These things we have grown up with and have become second nature. Third, personal unconscious, would involve habits that we have obtained, tasks that we no longer think about doing, and defense
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