Should We Allow Ourselves to Be Depend on Machines and Gadgets

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Argumentative Writing: Should we allow ourselves to depend on machines and electronic gadgets? As technology improves, more and more people are depending on machines and electronic gadgets. Some people really enjoy using machines and electronic gadgets: if they can, they will never do things by hand. But other people worry about this tendency – they encourage people not to depend too heavily on electronics. Personally, I believe that a strong dependency on machines and electronic gadgets can be a bad thing. Some people believe that since the technology exists, it is pointless for us to not use it. While it is okay to use machines if it will make our lives easier, we must retain the knowledge of how to cope if they fail. Last term, my roommate needed to do some research for a history paper but the internet wasn’t working. I told her to go the library but she didn’t understand how to search through the books and magazines to find the information she needed for her report. When we become too dependent on machines, we forget how to live without them. Using machines and electronic gadgets makes people lazier and lazier. It is all too common for people to drive everywhere they want to go instead of walking – even if it’s an easy or short walk. People rely too heavily on cars to get them places and as a result, both the environment and our personal health take a beating. Global warming and rising levels of obesity are both rampant problems in society: walking sometimes instead of driving could help with both issues. Another problem with depending on technology is that our skills and abilities are starting to deteriorate. Since nearly everyone has a mobile phone which can store phone numbers, most people do not take the time to memorize their contacts’ information. And since we can constantly look up statistics or answers on the web, our

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