Should the Citizens Be Permitted to Carry a Concealed Weapon to Their Work Place?

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ENG 215 – Research and Writing Assignment 2 ;Research Proposal Mahmut Demirkol Michael Hunter 01.25.2013 In America ,there are some states that buying a weapon is the same thing as buying a pack of cigarettes.If there are too many guns around its much easier to see them in bad hands.Should the citizens be permitted to carry a concealed weapon to their work place? The answer is NO. Up to my opinion only police and security guards should carry weapons and they should be highly educated mentally and phisically.Nowadays its a huge problem in U.S.A because of the shootings.(Batman Gala,Sandy Hook Elementary School).There are two reasons why citizens should not carry weapons to their workplace. First, people are so stressed out because of the economy all over the world especially in USA.There are so many unemployed people even if they are employed they are not happy with their jobs and what they do. US government should change the laws and make all people get gun licence before they can buy a gun. They all should get psyhcologically tested before they get a gun license.It is very difficult to judge whether the person keeps the handgun purely for protection purposes or for some other purpose. it will be impossible to distinguish the honest and dishonest activities. * Secondly, if they dont get license and some test before buying a gun Everybody will try to ensure his protection by his handgun and the trust to police and the crimes will increase. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, roughly 30,000 people are killed by guns in the U.S. each year, either accidentally or by suicide or homicide. Deaths involving guns occur far more frequently in the

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