Should Tablet Replace Textbook in K-12?

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Should tablet replace textbooks in k-12 school? Part of a drastically increasing industry, tablets are becoming a more common and daily used item. As the tablets become so popular, the question is whether tablets with digital textbooks should replace print textbooks. Every year, lots of young children develop back problems due to the heavy weight of their backpacks. Lots of trees are cut down just to make workbooks and textbooks for schools. Because students continue to have back pains at early ages, technology has developed lightweight tablets. Will we continue to place heavy weight on student’s back or should we consider replacing the heavy textbooks with tablets? Since the world is moving so fast in digital technology, then should students use digital print or physical printing in school? Using tablets in school is it going to affect student’s reading and writing skills, is tablet expensive or textbooks? Can all parents provide facilities of using tablets at home? Using tablets, are student having health problem? In addition to all questions, one very important question is, is it safe and secure to using tablet in school or not? All students should use tablets: Many Americans, especially the Internet generation people, believe that tablets should replace textbooks in school, according to Georgia Schumacher in the art institute of Pittsburgh in a community blog, who works at Education Management Corporation in Carnegie Mellon University discussing about the future of education: textbook vs. tablets. Most tablets today are manufactured with 8GB and 64 GB memories. Many of these gadgets also come with expanded memory capabilities. She believes that tablets can stores hundreds of books in digital print at one place. That means students can access any information at any time without carrying too many textbooks. She also mentions about the cost. Electronic books

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