Should Smoking Be Ban in Certain Areas

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Should Smoking Be Banned in Public Areas? October 1, 2012 University of Phoenix Business Communications and Critical Thinking 275 Debates and arguments, if presented tastefully and ethically are a healthy form of communication. Debates have existed for as long as communication has existed. Different individuals have different opinions on the same subject matter, which leads to a debate. One such debate that has become an increasingly popular debate topic is the right to smoke cigarettes in public areas. In recent years many American states such as New York, California, and North Carolina have passed bans on public smoking. The smoking bans reach restaurants and bars, prohibiting any smoking indoors. There are two very distinct sides to this debate. On one side is the smoking population who believe that he or she has the right to smoke inside public areas. On the other side is the non-smoking population who agrees with the law changes and support the ban. Both sides present strong arguments regarding why smoking should be allowed, or why it should not be allowed in public areas. The main argument that non-smokers have is that the ban of smoking eliminates secondhand smoke to the nonsmoking public. The strongest argument against the ban of public smoking comes from business owners. The owners of restaurants and bars that cannot allow smoking in the establishment are losing business from their non-smoking customers. The smoking population also believes that the ban on smoking takes away his or her freedom and rights. The debates toward smoking in public places has always existed, but know the debate is stronger than ever with the recent laws passed to ban smoking in public areas. The following debate will highlight both sides and present strong information of those who support the banning of smoking in public places and

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