Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed

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Should One Expect a Reward when Doing a Good Deed? It is a traditional virtue for Chinese people that one should be ready to help others without asking anything in return. However, last month, Guangzhou municipal government drafted a new provision about rewarding those who don’t pocketing the money they pick up. The returners can receive a 10 % of the lost property’s value as a reward. The hot topic has been widely discussed. Some people say it’s a disgrace and against the traditional virtues and say no to it. Some say it is an innovation which meets the needs of the spirit of new era. As far as I’m concerned, it is reasonable and appropriate that the people who have done a good deed expect a reward. Because doing a deed is performing an action which is considered a good behavior. The people have helped the owners find their lost properties or rescued those people suffering a sudden accident out of the emergence. They are good people and have set a good example to the rest. They have devoted their time and money to doing a deed. For example, when someone picks up a cell phone and wants to give it back to the owner, he may look up in the phone’s contracts and make some calls before he can reach the owner. He has spent some time doing this. And for the owner’s part, the cell phone may contain some very important files which are invaluable. The lost phone that can be found and returned means much to the owner. If he or she gives some money as a reward to the finder, he or she has expressed their thanks to the finder. Of course, whether the finder accepts the money or not is a totally different story. What if a doctor helps someone who falls downs in the street and suffers a heart attack? He brings the patience back to life. Life is much more precious than material. Shouldn’t he or she be praised and received some money or a banner as a reward? I don’t mean to encourage

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