Should modern organizations be concerned about ‘groupthink’?

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Should modern organizations be concerned about ‘groupthink’? Every organization in the world have to take lots of different kind of decisions every single day in accordance to improve performance, to avoid and solve any sort of problems and of course to survive. To improve these decisions organizations often use groups because it’s more effective then individuals working on their own. But more does not necessary better. There is an error asserts every day in a decisions taken by organizations because we are all humans and nobody is perfect we are likely to make mistakes. Human nature does not help us to understand how and why avoidable miscalculations are made and there are a lot of different reasons for decisions to go wrong. And one of those reasons is groupthink. To understand importance of being aware of groupthink and how this affects decisions which are made by modern organizations, we need to look more detailed in to this. So firstly I will talk about the notion and conditions of the groupthink. Then I will try look at the psychological processes that cause it. Also I will talk about negative impact that the groupthink has on decision making and how this can be avoided. Psychologist Irving Janis did extensive work on the subject and when he published an essay in the Yale Alumi Magazine and explained how a group of intelligent people working together to solve the same problem can sometimes arrives at the worst possible answer. He found an expression for his new theory he called it ‘groupthink’ and his work gave world a new idea about decision making. (Yale Alumni Magazine, January/February 2008) About thirty years ago Irving l. Janis in his book ‘victims of groupthink ‘described groupthink as a condition where a cohesive group of people come up with poorly considered courses of action and make bad choices as a result. Because people that become affected

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