Should Management Put People First for Organisation to Be Sucessful

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Should Management put the organization or people first to be successful ? In this volatile economic world it is difficult to answer the question , ' Should Management put the organization or people first to be successful ? This is so because one has different views of organizational success hence different drivers to success for different organizations . It is the question of finding the critical success factor to each organization's success . What creates competitive advantage over competitors ? What is the role of management to its success ? . If one answers the outlined questions one would then answer the question whether management should put the organization first or the people to be successful . In most companies organizational success may be defined as meeting the organization goals, objectives , mission and vision . Management can be defined as a way of achieving goals that add the most value. It’s about being sufficiently organized to identify the right goals and the best means for achieving them. To take a simple example, whenever you set priorities for yourself you are managing your time. Prioritizing means deciding which activities are most likely to achieve a specific goal and which tasks are the most urgent or important. Management is thus like investing, a process of allocating resources to obtain the best return, even if those resources are just your own time, knowledge and experience. The aim of this is create organization success . In this competitive world success one has to create a competitive over competitors to remain successful . The manager has to identify a critical success factor which leads to organization's success . After identifying the same , the question can be answered whether management should put the organization first to meet success or the people . Understanding sources of competitive advantage has become a major
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