When other countries look at us and see how we treat illegal immigrants they say and that's what people call the world super power. If we were the world super power we would help people who come from another part of the world and seek for help. If we was the world super power when they come we wouldn't look down on them put labels on them and say you don't belong here and you are not apart of us. If we were a world super power we would accept them, no matter what's there ethnicity or where they come from, we would take them in as our own without having to take them through every loop we find to be free. If we are a world super power and a country of freedom we need to start acting like it or give our title to someone who deserve it.
Patrice Foster Professor Hayaud-Din Government 2301-2406 Summer I 2012 Extra Credit Abolishing The Exclusionary Rule Word Count: Patrice Foster The Exclusionary Rule The Exclusionary Rule is a senseless rule. We should get rid of it and the police and prosecutors should be able to use the evidence even if it’s obtained in violation of the rule, because we could potentially let criminals go to satisfy this rule. This rule is so full of controversy, that it is hard to support. How can we as citizens embrace this rule? A rule that does so little to protect the law as it was made.
The Unjust of Just law Ethics 110 22 Jun 2010 In a democratic state it is in never within our rights to break the law. Breaking the law leads to lawlessness and disobedience from the democracy that we have worked, or have been born into. If the law is unjust, then it might be fair to break that law as long as you are willing to suffer the consequences of punishment set aside for that particular unjust law. Failure to adhere to the punishment is unjust as well, for failure to adhere to the punishment of the law is a statement that you do not respect the laws of your society. Martin Luther King Jr. states “Oppressed People cannot remain oppressed forever.” (Cahn, 2009 p. 387) As we have seen throughout history, this is a true statement.
We should be able to say whatever it is that we want. Even back then they shouldn't be able to put somebody into jail for saying a negative comment about the government or even a leader. They should have had the right to say what they wanted to and to express the way that they felt about it. The Patriot Act was passed for much the same reason as the Alien and Sedition Acts. It was made law in our response to the fear of terrorism caused by the events of 9/11.
Many people see life as a thing that can be fixed which is not always the thought. Every big problem is not the end of the world even though it may seem like it. Problems in someone’s life might be caused by the death of a loved one. They believe that this dilemma could possibly be solved with money or the spending of money which is not the case at
This act meant that all immigrants were excluded from Social Security, Medicine, And Health care benefits. This also meant that they were on very thin ice with the city. This meaning that they could get in trouble very easily with the police. I am assuming that this law was passed due to the fact of to many people immigrating for certain rights, which I will explain later on in the Research Paper. Another law that has been passed due to the issue of Illegal Immigration is called the Dream Act.
For America to remain a free country we must protect our borders. A country that does not protect its own borders will cease to be a country at some point. Any thought of legalizing illegal immigrants without first securing our borders could be a means to an end for America. Solving the illegal immigration issue could be simple if we use some common sense. First thing we should do is modify the birthright citizenship rule to only grant citizenship to the child being born on American soil.
Whenever this law is being used as a defense there should be an extensive investigation into the case in order to root out if it was really self defense or not. This would eliminate cases like the Martin case, where the accused “attackers” were actually the real victims. Nothing is more valuable than human life. Citizens must be able to protect themselves without fear that self-defense will be legally problematic. The Stand Your Ground Law allows for this.
There should be more guards patrolling the borders to make sure they do not get in. Also, there should be penalties on employers that hire illegal immigrants. If there are penalties against the employers that hire them, none of the illegal aliens can get jobs. When they can’t get a job in the US, most of them will leave or get caught. So employers know if the person they are going to hire is legal, every person who applies or
As I would like to think, if people are not considered responsible for law violations against mankind, our general public will never again be viewed as socialized. I do accept however, the equity framework need to be actualizing more suitable disciplines, for unlawful acts without a casualty. I think a few cases ought to be considered for more probation for peaceful law violations, and a workable arrangement of projects, rather than detainment. I think, if the wrongdoing is about cash or medications that don't bring about the demise of another, these individuals can be pivoted from displaying criminal acts. I accept assault cases ought to request great treatment for the criminal.