The researchers for this study used and epidemiological format for their study. Overall, all of the studies in this table demonstrated the importance of wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle to reduce head injuries and that further studies our needed as to how to relay this importance to children. Limitations of all the studies include the following: (1) limitations of the patient population that was being retrieved, (2) lack of reliable information, (3) lack of information regarding follow up of patients not hospitalized for injuries and for those seen in other places besides and ED and (4) although the studies showed a clear need for helmet use to prevent injuries there was not any clear educational suggestions given. Further research studies are definitely needed regarding the importance of education when it comes to wearing helmets while bike riding to prevent head injuries. I believe using a broader population in the same common areas (such as urban, suburban, etc) can help understand more about the use and non-use of helmets and be able to give more common information that can help define the education that is needed for each
Fortunately this incident turned out okay and no one was hurt but what about next time? Motorcycles don’t posses many safety features that protect their rider. A car contains seat belts, airbags, four wheels for stability, and more; these are important features that help reduce accident and fatality rates. These issues only add to the main problem which is the drivers themselves, I am talking about both motorcycle rider and automobile driver. These two figures represent a vast majority of those on the streets, they are either inexperienced drivers or to comfortable with their driving habits and lack the attention needed to avoid situations that can arise quickly.
By keeping you warm, the jacket protects you from hypothermia. The weight of the jacket depends on what type of expedition you are going; it could be light, middle or heavy. Without the outer jacket you will be vulnerable to get wet, to lose your body temperature and to catch cold or hypothermia which is dangerous and can kill you. Fleece – this is the middle layer of your clothing. It keeps you warm, it is perfect for outwear and keeps your body heat.
When making connections it is so much easier to splice the copper cable than it would be for the fiber. Copper cables are also very flexible; you can have your wire go wherever without cracking or breaking. As for the disadvantages, all the advantages of the fiber are the downfall of the copper cabling. People want faster, better, farther. So, over time, we will lose the copper cables and move onto the
Discuss the effectiveness aimed at reducing addictive behaviour (10 marks) The most dramatic public health intervention in recent years has been the ban on smoking in all public places introduced in England in 2007 (following the introduction in Scotland a year earlier). However, there is no evidence as yet that smokers have given up smoking in huge numbers because of the legislation, suggesting that whilst the ban has reduced second-hand exposure levels by over 70%, it has not caused any decline in the numbers of smokers in the UK. Public health education interventions also have had little success in reducing addictive behaviour. The message “Hey kids, just say ‘No!’” does not work. Similarly, the use of scare tactics, such as pictures of overdoses, has failed to bring about reductions in drug use.
Including airbags and safety systems used were disputed because will make a car heavy. The trade-off between safety and sustainability led to the second ethical problem that a light car will always come off worst in a crash with a heavier car so people in the light car will always be at a disadvantage. Trade-offs between safety and sustainability were made in which the mass of the car was usually given priority. Utilitarianism means maximizing happiness and reducing suffering among individuals of a society and the Engineers working at the DutchEVO car were more concerned about their new design instead of the moral and
Healthy risk-taking behavior is participating in activities that tend to have a positive impact on your development. Unhealthy risk-taking behaviors are those that are likely to result in harm-arrest, injury and death. One type of unhealthy risk-taking behavior is riding on a motorcycle and doing wheelies without a helmet. This behavior might contribute to injuries such as brain damage, if you fall off the bike, or let’s say you are doing a wheelie and you fall off, a car doesn’t see you and runs over you. You aren’t wearing any sort of protection
States having these types of laws on their books, have witnessed a decrease in serious injury and death upon instatement of these laws; just as they have watched fatalities and injuries rise with the abolishment of helmet laws. On January 1st, 1992, California adopted what is referred to as a Universal Helmet Law. The law requires all riders and passengers on motorcycles to wear helmets while riding on public property. Review of fatality records by Kraus, Peek, McArthur and Williams (1994) found prior to the law’s implementation, less than half of the riders observed were wearing helmets. Shortly after the law was put into place, almost 99% of riders were in compliance.
Such as, some states have the law in effect for a motorcyclist to wear a helmet at all times, where other states does not have this law nor do they force it to happen. This law is something I do not understand what so ever. Let’s consider two laws I am very familiar with. 1) the helmet law and 2) the seatbelt law. Why some states such as my own force the seatbelt law would but yet let several motor cycle riders drive down a road without a helmet?
Motorcycle Helmet Laws In the Unites States each state is allowed to set some of there own rules. Each State must take a stance on whether or not motorcyclists should wear helmets. Less than half of the states require the use of a helmet when riding a motorcycle. I agree with the states that have the helmet laws in place because I believe that helmets can save lives. Most States actually have what is called a limited helmet law.