Should English Be the Primary Foreign Language in All Schools

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Should English be the primary foreign language in all schools? In today' E-world, English has become the main language for communication. However, other languages such as French, German and Spanish are also spoken by many people. Thus, I believe that students should be given a choice to select between English and any other foreign language. This essay will discuss the importance of learning English or any other foreign language in all schools. English is recognized as the international language and many parents prefer enrolling their children in schools which teach English as a foreign language. They believe that as the whole universe has come closer due to the internet, learning English at school level would surely benefit the students in due course. For example, in my country India people speak many Indian languages. When students require valuable information, they search the internet and try to get the required details only in English. However, in some countries people are more familiar with second languages such as French, German, Spanish or Arabic for historical, economic, or religious reasons. Educators in Morocco or Mozambique, for example, have to decide if English is offered as a third language after French or Portuguese, or left to private schools to teach. In addition, Chinese language is slowly becoming popular and it is projected that more and more people will learn the language in future. Under the circumstances, some people might prefer the schools in their country to introduce Chinese language and make it compulsory. To sum up, I firmly believe that it will not be correct to force students to learn a foreign language in school based only on its popularity. The choice of learning a foreign language should be left to the

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