Should Doctor Assisted Suicide Be Legalized Essay

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imagine if you are facing the endless suffering and excruciating pain but can do nothing to end it. You are desperate need of terminating your agony but you will not ask your beloved ones to help you, because it would likely to put them into serious troubles that will destroy their lives. It is stunning that when people are facing death, in their darkest and most desperate moment of life, nobody could offer a little help because of the law bans the help. Doctor assisted suicide should be legal because it protects people who do not want to suffer lingering, painful deaths. Some terminally ill patients are allowed to end their lives by refusing medical treatments; in all fairness, those who don't have that option should be allowed to choose death. Also by making the process legal, components such as counseling can become a part of the process. Moreover, a doctor's assistance will ensure success, thus eliminating the fear of serious injury (without death), and a lack of suffering. Assisted suicide is a dignified way to end life. According to the research in Oregon, one of the three states legalize PAS, 86% reported loss of dignity was one of the reasons patients requesting PAS.…show more content…
We, as human beings, ought to be allowed the liberty to choose the way we live, and if our standard of living is too painful, too demoralizing to bear the struggle any longer, why should we have to continue to bear it. According to the research in Oregon, 100% reported loss autonomy was one of the reasons they requesting PAS. Emotional pain is just as serious as physical pain. We have to realize that, and let the one in pain decide its own destiny. Moreover, not allowing a person to have access to an assisted suicide avenue is inviting this person to do so in a much more destructive manner

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