Just maybe it should be a human right. Along if their decision is not acted out in public, nor does it put anyone else in danger. In his essay “The Right to Die,” Norman Cousins contended that the idea of someone committing suicide is often looked down upon by society. Even beyond the respect towards religion. Norman also suggested the need to reevaluate the true significance of being alive.
Can these kinds of treatment really get patient and their families out of suffering as well as give hope? I do not think so. For passive euthanasia, the patients just refuse to accept any treatment and let their lives continue naturally without any medical or machine. For instance, Julia Quinlan, Karen’s mother, explained the family’s feelings: “We didn’t ask for Karen to die. We just asked for her to be removed from technology and be placed in a natural state.” People who are against euthanasia believe that passive euthanasia is wrong.
For example, many people against this decision claim that it is not ethical due to the fundamental tenet of medical ethics which is “Do no harm” (Bender 37).This decision is very ethical because what is not ethical is letting an innocent person die instead of taking the route of assisted suicide. If the person suffering was a relative of another person will they think twice not to because it is their loved ones suffering. By defining ethics it is related to a moral principle in which many differ from principles and standards. Another debate can be that assisted suicide is not a constitutional right. Assisted suicide is a choice which the constitution does support freedom of choice.
Physician assisted suicide should be a right given to all people who are suffering from a painful, degenerative, or deadly condition. Anyone who might never enjoy the luxuries of living a happy and healthy life again. Though several ongoing debates are against physician-assisted suicide, ethicists are still not the one who is responsible to make this decision. Patients have the right to free will and human dignity that gives them the right to choose physician assisted suicide. Being able to have this choice allows the patient to maintain some control over their devastating situation.
The last for of euthanasia is “involuntary” which is done without the persons consent for example when they are in a coma and the doctors know that he/she will not come out of it. All in all euthanasia is an action that is taken only when a person a suffering from a terminal illness in order to alleviate their pain and suffering and has no intentions of causing harm to the person. Every person has the right to life but under extenuating circumstances death seems to be the better option and a person suffering has the right to make that decision. Many people wonder “How bad would the quality of someone’s life have to be before they can choose to end it?” and the answer is that it is a
From Steven Ertelt’s article, we knew that Ewart said, if he chose to live, he would suffer illness, but it did not mean he could cure the disease and have a new life (2008). Patients suffer grievous pain, and those who want to live, have to suffer through the horrible illness. But if there is no hope, and these patients choose to do euthanasia, relief is instantaneous. In addition, people would love to live with happiness. Imagine that your life is filled with pain.
First, people should be able to control their own lives. If the patient doesn’t want to be tortured any more or he refuses to be the burden of his family, he has the right to choose the assisted suicide. Second, death is a compassionate way to relieve the unbearable suffering. When suffering is immeasurable and a patient's condition is terminal, doctors should be permitted to end a patient's life by the assisted suicide. It is a merciful way to end all the pain of the patient’s and the whole family’s.
The Dangers of Assisted Suicide “Advocates of physician assisted suicide try to convey the impression that in terminally ill patients the wish to die is totally different from suicidal intent in those without terminal illness” (Herbert and Klerman 118.) Physician assisted suicide is when a physician assists their patient in dying upon their request. In some states there are laws giving limitations to who can request such a “procedure,“ but these laws are not enough to prevent the dangers of assisted suicide. Assisted suicide should be illegal in all fifty states because it is immoral, dangerous to society, and can lead to the deaths of millions of depressed people. “Critics of physician assisted suicide believe that doctors like Jack Kevorkian are doing nothing less than playing God“ (Gay 47.)
Before assigning value to life it should be considered what that person did in their lifetime not just their job, or their major achievements, but how they affected other people in either a positive or negative way. This is why suicide is such a selfish act. In Hamlet’s famous speech he states, “No traveler returns, puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than to fly to others that we know not of” (Shakespeare 33)? In other words Hamlet believes that it might be better to live through the trials of life than journey into the unknown. Suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems and when successful leaves behind a mass of grieving people.
Euthanasia should remain illegal Euthanasia is a word with such great meaning but is often misunderstood by individuals. Some define this term as “the right to die” whereas others define it as “the right to kill Euthanasia is the act of encouraging a painless death or looking for the help for a good death. The act of euthanasia often occurs because long-term patients would rather drink poison or get shot by somebody than suffering their whole life fighting against a major disease. The term euthanasia is also known as mercy killing since it’s a way of ending one’s life who is not willing to live anymore. [1] This happens usually for compassionate reasons such as to reduce the pain of the ill ones.