Should Cigarettes Be Illegal?

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Should Cigarettes be Illegal? Have you ever known someone that has died from cancer? What about someone that has been through health problems like high blood pressure, or develop ulcers. Although I could go on about the health risk, cigarettes have become a worldwide popularity thing for people to use. My mother use to smoke 5 packs a day then stopped and is now smoking again. She even complains about stress, and she coughs a lot but these are signs of bad health that smoking can cause. Every person I know that smokes cigarettes does it because it helps them distress and little do they know cigarettes only increase the stress and also psychologically distresses. So, should Cigarettes be made illegal? Although I am against cigarettes and it’s bad health problems, I disagree because why ban cigarettes when they shouldn’t have been legal to begin with, there are so many people already addicted, people are going to smoke regardless of what the law is, and the profits of Tobacco Company are high. Smoking is a very common form of addiction which nicotine becomes part of persons thought process. Cigarettes cause discoloration of teeth, nails, cancer, heart attacks and multiple health problems. From all of the health issues that come with cigarettes I can say that the purpose of cigarettes is to kill. In the My Health News Daily article, tobacco causes over 450,000 premature deaths a year in America (Rettner 1). Although I find this information very interesting and something should be done, I tend to find this to be very idealistic and would be difficult to illegalize cigarettes. The banning of cigarettes is being held by the state Rep. of Portland, Mitch Greenlick by making nicotine of controlled substance. Any possession of more than 0.1 milligrams would be illegal and but to prison for a year or a 6,250 fine. The only exception is to have a doctor’s

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