Although the act was usually but not always the choice of the woman, abortion was illegal and to end pregnancy was considered to be murder. In the two decades before abortion was legal in America, it's been estimated that about one million women per year underwent illegal abortions. Because these illegal procedures were performed by the woman or someone else who was not medically trained to perform the procedure, women died. In my opinion trying to make abortion illegal is pointless because the women will resort to drastic measures and other means to end the unwanted birth. Here we are in this so-called world of freedom but when we exercise that freedom, we become ridiculed for making a choice.
One of the most controversial topic that society and lawmakers often debate about is abortion. Before 1971 when abortion was illegal it was done in the back alleys of city streets with an inexperienced person doing this procedure. Thousands of women died due to improper procedure, unsterile equipment, and complications due medical malpractice. This changed in December 1971 when a single mother to be chose to fight against the anti-abortion law in the state of Texas. At the time the state of Texas only allowed legal abortions to women that had been raped or was impregnated by incest.
Would you have an abortion if you were raped? What about if your baby would come out having to live on oxygen or some other birth defect? Would you want him/her having to live their entire life like that? Then there comes the “what if’s”. What if the baby had a small defect that the doctors proclaimed could not be treated and cured, but you had the child anyway.
Abortion is the termination of pregnancy before the fetus is viable (Fremgen, 2012There are two types of abortions, a spontaneous abortion and an induced abortion. A spontaneous abortion is one that occurs naturally, usually referred to as a miscarriage. An induced abortion is one that is caused by artificial means such as medication or a surgical procedure to destroy the fetus (Fremgen, 2012). The induced abortion is where the controversy and ethical issues arrive. Pro-Choice advocates contend that choosing abortion is a right of a woman that should not be limited by the government or religious authority (Abortion
Attacking an individual who has no means to defend them self is wrong, which is why I strongly oppose abortion. Abortion is unconstitutional. Several times during the course of history the government has become involved with the issue. As evidenced by the well-known case of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court has expressed it strong discontent with abortion. In this landmark case, the Court ruled that a pregnancy may be aborted during the first trimester, because the embryo is not yet viable.
These are all reason that could be avoided, and save many lives in the early stages. One controversial reason a woman might have an abortion is if she has been raped. There are very few cases like this, and in the instance of pregnancy resulting from rape, Linda Lowen informs us “proper medical care can ensure that a woman will not get pregnant” (Abortion Arguments). Overall, the most common reason for having an abortion is that “over 95 percent… [are] women who simply do not want to have a baby” (Abortion is Murder). Women who get pregnant and are not ready to accept the responsibility should not let this result in the death of a human
One of the most ethical controversial issues being debated now in United States is whether late- term abortion should be banned or not. Most people argued that it is proper to ban late-term abortion. They believe that it is un-ethical and a murder of an unborn child not a right of freedom of choice. It is an immoral act and violates the social and religious norms. On the other hand some people argued that late-term abortion should not be banned because it is necessary to terminate a fetus when the life of the woman is in danger as a result of complicated pregnancy; or when pregnancy result from incest or rape and the woman may be late in finding out that she is pregnant.
Partial-birth abortions, abortions in the third trimester, and the recent “day-after” or RU-486 pill now add a new aspect to the issue. Partial-birth abortions and abortions in the third trimester are exceedingly controversial. In these procedures it doesn’t involve the expulsion of an embryo, but it involves the actual termination of a fetus from a womb. It has been outlawed in the United States a result of numerous outraged pro-life advocates and some pro-choice who found it to be utterly inhumane. The RU-486 is said to be no more controversial than any other aspect of an abortion.
If you look at the constitution, it says people have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If you have an abortion, you are taking those rights from what would be a child. If you kill him/her, you take away his/her right to life. By aborting the baby, you take away his/her liberty. And, how can it pursue happiness if it isn’t alive to do so?
Abortion Abortion is a very debatable topic in the United States and there is no clear answer if it’s permissible or not. Abortion can be defined as, the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy at any stage of the pregnancy. Many people believe that abortion should be outlawed, others believe it should be an option, and last view being a mix between both. The mixed view population believe that in cases of rape the mother can have an option to abort or not, or if the fetus reaches a certain age it is not permissible to abort it. Thomson stakes her claim by focusing on three circumstances where she believes abortions to be permissible.