Short Term Significance of the Poor Law 1834 Upon the Poor

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Before 1834 there was no effective and inexpensive system in place to provide help the poor, throughout this time there were vast amounts of poverty with two out of ten families remaining below the ‘breadline’. However, illness, old age and accidents also prevented people from working; the poor would rely on other people or organisations in order to simply survive. There needed to be a change where poor relief could become readily available for people that needed it most. In the past the Elizabethan Poor Law 1601 would see Poor Law unions, guardians and Justices of the Peace appointed to each parish to offer ‘outdoor relief’ which would be provided from the poor rate, a tax on land and buildings; whilst the workhouses offered ‘indoor relief’ for those who were unable to help themselves. The Laws of Settlement 1622, however meant that the paupers should be given help from only their own parish; either through birth, marriage or work for a year and a day. The Gilberts Act 1782 allowed groups of parishes to form unions and joint poor houses; the aim of this was to share the amount needed in caring for the poor. The Gilberts Act can be seen to be the first existence in what the Government was involved in poor relief. Again, another form of relief the Speenhamland system which was used mainly in southern England from 1795 where it offered supplements of wages, where the price would be given according to a loaf of bread and the number of children in that family. Employers could either pay their labourers of instead the poor rate. “The poor Laws of England tend to depress the general condition of the poor” . The short term effect of these systems meant that for once the poor’s voices could be heard, however to an extent there would be a disadvantage because the ratio of the poor to the unions made distance difficult to give the poor the relief that was needed. Edwin
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