Short Summary: Obama Vs. The Constitution

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Obama vs. the Constitution “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” (The American Presidency). This is a president’s duty, not a dictating power. When Barack Obama was sworn into office, he fully understood that he was trusted to make sure laws are faithfully executed. This being said, President Obama does not have the authority to change, rewrite, suspend, or amend laws. He must enforce them as they are written. However, forgetting that these authorities have not been given to him, President Obama has failed to comply with the rules that he swore to obey. The Constitution was created…show more content…
People will argue that times have changed and with that, the Constitution needs to change. However, the Constitution is an immortal document. The writers knew that times would change which is why the Constitution can be interpreted in different ways, but not rewritten or changed. The Constitution can be interpreted to fit the needs of a constantly changing culture and people. Barack Obama has failed to recognize the separation of powers and also fails to treat Congress as an equal branch of government. There are numerous instances in which Barack Obama has gone against the law and the Constitution. The fact that these laws can go broken with no punishment shows the effects of President Obama trying to change America. Before being elected, Barack Obama promised to “fundamentally transform the United States” (Does). He did fulfill this statement but not in the way he implied he would. Since taking office, he has attacked the nation’s values, morals, and institutions. By restoring the government to satisfy their constitutional roles, the proper limits can be placed on government. If this happens, the government can go back to being a government set up by the people for the

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