Short Essay On Angelology And Satanology

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Sydney McKinney THEO201_B01_201140 Short Essay #4 Short Essay on Angelology and Satanology Religious Dualism has no place in what true Christianity has ever represented. Religious Dualism is defined as, “two mutually hostile forces or beings in the world, the one being the source of all good, the other the source of all evil”1---visualizing a celestial theater of warfare for these two opposing beings recognized as the light and the darkness. Many have the false belief that Satan is God’s opposing equal, while the Bible clearly states that though he is a mighty enemy, he is an angel, limited to what angels are limited to and what God limits him to. Using the “here a little there a little principle”2 the Bible reveals Satan’s origins as well as his destiny, contradicting, even tolerating the dualism theory any room to exist in the Christian realm. In Isaiah 14:12-17, It talks about how Lucifer, son of the morning, said in his heart how he will exalt his throne above the stars and be like the most High. In Ezekiel 28 He was possibly the most beautiful, wise and perfect of God’s creations before growing proud and vain in his beauty and envious of God’s authority.2 Though God created in him a perfect spirit, He also gave him moral agency to decide between what was right, and what was wrong. He was allowed to create and mold his own character. When he chose his course, God cast him out of heaven and all who rebelled against righteousness and stood for evil. Satan did not choose to leave heaven, he was cast out. Those who believe in Dualism object to these particular chapters as referring to Satan’s origins, because he is not mentioned by name specifically and their analysis is that these scriptures are referring to the King of Tyrus, the context dealing with the judgment of Israel’s enemies. My response is, though not
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